~~About My Friends~~

"A friend is one who knows you as you are...
Understands where you've been...
Accepts who you've become...
And still invites you to grow"

Tara .aka. §un§hine!
E-mail: Taratory@hotmail.com
Web Site: Web TARA-tory

Tara This is one of my best friends, Tara! She is 19 and she lives in Florida! Tara is really sweet, understanding and an incredible friend!! I last visited her back in July 2000 and I can't wait to go back down and see her again!!

Her and her family and friends were so nice and hospitable!! They made me feel right at home!! I had a blast!! She has her webmaster's certificate in web design and as you can see from my page...(she's done it all!)...she's VERY good at it!

She loves being with her family & friends, going to the movies, shopping, singing, writing, and jet skiing...which is REALLY fun, BTW!! She's a wonderful person and I'm really glad we've had the chance to become such close sisters!! :)

Deliah .aka. Lilah
Here is a picture of Lilah and her husband, Matthew!

Click pic for larger view
Matt and Lilah
Deliah is yet another one of my best friends!! She's 18 and lives in Florida...just like Tara! Hehe...opposite coasts, though. :) I met Deliah in July, too!! And just like Tara's family, Deliah and her family made me feel so at home and comfortable!! I had such a good time with them and I miss them all tons!!

She got married September 18, 1999...to her Matthew. :) ****CONGRATS TO DELIAH AND MATTHEW**** They are an awesome couple!!! We had a blast when I went down there to visit! Deliah is really cool, a great listener and a wonderful friend!

She is a MAJOR Sarah McLachlan fan and, like Sarah, she plays guitar! She also has a really cool singing voice so one night when I was visiting, we locked ourselves in her room and she played guitar and we both sang and we listened to tons of CD's...it was so much fun!! She's a really great person...(most of my friends are...lol)...and we've stayed really close...which I'm very happy about!!!

Here is another of Lilah and Matt

Kristen .aka. RoseBudd, Tutti, etc...
E-mail: RoseBudd75@aol.com

Kristen & ShaeThis is one of my bestest (hehe) friends of all time...KRISTEN!! She is 14 years old and she goes to my neighboring congregation, the North. (We share the same Kingdom Hall) Anywayz...Kristen is SO awesome!! She is hysterically funny and a very good listener! She always knows how to cheer me up when I'm down and she's a great friend!!

She's a freshman in school this year and she also works with me as a teen writer at the Eagle Tribune. She has 1 younger brother and a few fish, whom she absolutely adores (the fish...lol). I always tease her about them but they're her babies.

She loves chattin' on the phone, hangin' with her friends, listening to music (Christina Aguilera & Celine Dion are her latest music raves), writing poems and making cool art things. (She's really good at drawing!) She's an awesomely, awesome pal and I don't know what I'd do without her! She keeps me sane, (most of the time...lol), and I'm really, really glad we've become so close! Here's a pic of me and Kristen at our 2-Day Circuit Assembly on Dec. 4, 1999.

Sarah .aka. "Sweets" or "Boo"
...and her parents, Kerry and Jeremy .aka. Ker & Jer

Sarah SweetsLittle Sarah has been my friend since she was born last November! Hehe...That's right, the little cutie is only a year old! She is SOOOOO adorable!! Oh my goodness....she is the sweetest thing!!! She's Ashley's niece and also my friend Mikey's niece. (Jeremy is Ashley's brother and Kerry is Mikey's sister)

Anywayz...you can't help loving Sarah...she's just so precious!! She has gorgeous eyes and the cutest little lips that curl up when she smiles!! Sarah loves the characters from Winnie the Pooh...(her favorites are Pooh & Tigger)...and she also loves music! She likes when me and Ashley dance for her to Britney Spears!! It's SO cute!!!

Sara with her shadesShe just learned to walk so she's been running around, trying to get her hands on everything. And she's also learning to talk and she is so expressive and very smart!! She's so cute and I love her SOOOOOO much!!! She's my "Sweets"!!

Her parents, Kerry and Jeremy, are awesome, too!! I've known them for as long as I can remember and they're like family to me! Kerry is the big sister I never had...I have so much fun when we hang out together!! They are a really sweet, caring couple and they are awesome parents!! The whole family rocks and I love 'em to pieces!!! :)

Taylor .aka. Tay-Tay

Little TaylorTaylor is yet another one of my best friends! (I have A LOT of good friends but I have 4 REALLY good ones...hehe...I feel bad saying that but you guys know what I'm talking about! I love all my friends the same, I'm just closer to some!!)

Anywayz...I've known Taylor my whole life! We go to the same congregation. Our dads used to go jamming together with some other brothers...(both our families are VERY musical!)...so we got closer then. But a few years ago, we found a mutual love for Hanson..(don't laugh, you guys! LOL!!)...and from then on, we just got closer and closer and now we're sisters!!

Taylor is 13 but looks WAY older! She's in 8th grade and like me, she LOVES singing and she's VERY good at it!! We both have the same hobbies so I don't have to list those! LOL!! Tay is VERY sweet and optimistic and she always knows how to make someone feel better!! She's a terrific friend and I'm so glad we've gotten this close!! Here's a pic of Tay when she was little...isn't she too cute???

Tay now!

Mike .aka. Mikey

Ike and Mikey Here is one of my absolute best friends, Mikey. We've known each other for a LONG time!! His parents studied with my parents when they were coming into the truth. Ok, I'm gonna be honest...I love him to death! We've been really close for a really long time and...well...ya know! LOL!!

He's 17 and he absolutely LOVES skateboarding!! He's totally obsessed with it!! He likes music...even oldies!...and he likes to collect different odd stuff.

He also loves shocking people...especially
me! LOL!! And he's always pulling wild stunts that make me worry about him all the time! He's a really great,sweet, nice guy and everyone likes him...he's just awesome! :) I hope everything works out for the best, like it should... ;-) Anywayz...here's a pic of him with my brother, Isaac.

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