~~About My Family~~

"Home is Where the Heart Is"

Shanon, Zach, Sher, and Ike
This is my family when we were in Florida visiting Tara
Left to right: Me, my brother, Zach; my mom, Sher; and my brother Issac



Father and DaughterMy Dad is awesome! I love him so much! He's an elder in our congregation and also the Theocratic Ministry School Overseer. He's an optician...no, he does not make eye glasses. Actually, his job is pretty cool! He makes mirrors for satellites and telescopes that NASA uses to send into space. Pretty neat, huh?

He loves music, just like me! His favorite kinds are blues, jazz and oldies but he really loves all music. He also plays the guitar, drums, keyboards/piano, bass and he also sings and writes songs! We have a lot of fun working on songs together.

He also loves old movies, going to concerts, going to car races and doing things as a family. He is always there to help me with a problem or to help me keep my spiritual goals ahead of me and in focus. I couldn't have asked for a better father!! :)


Mother and DaughterMy Mom is awesome, too!! And I love her so much!! My mom pioneered for 6 years...until she decided to homeschool my brothers and I. That is her job now: teaching us and helping other people. And she is very good at it! My mother also loves music and her favorite kinds are oldies and classical, although...like the rest of the fam...she likes most kinds of music. Like my dad, she also loves old movies. She loves doing crafts...especially quilts and everyone knows she can't live without her coffee!! LOL!! She is my best friend and is always there for me when I need her! I couldn't have asked for a better mother!!

MY BROTHERS: Zachary Alan

My brother, Zach!My brother Zach is 14 years old and he is a skateboarding maniac!!! That is his major love!!!! He's also a Nintendo addict!!! He's always playing some new game and wanting to get some new system!! (Those of you with brothers know what I'm talking about!! LOL!!)

And he's an obsessoid over dogs!!! Oh my word, you don't even understand!! He'll spend hours on the Internet just looking up dog pictures!! His favorite dog is the Boxer.

His other hobbies include: Playing the drums, drawing, rollerblading (sometimes), hanging out with his friends and listening to music.

His best friends are Josh, Mike and Matt and he's constantly on the phone with one of them!!! LOL!!! He's a really nice guy, though, and we're really good friends, which is cool!! He's getting baptized next year and his goal is to get accepted to Bethel when he's 19. He's really cool and I'm glad we're really close!!

Here's Zach playing one of his games!!

Isaac Brandon:

My brother, Isaac!My little brother Ike is 5 years old. He is SOOOOO funny!!! Lemme tell ya!! He has everyone cracking up ALL the time!! And he's just SO cute!!! LOL!!! Like Zac...Ike loves skateboarding. He has his own skateboard and seriously guys...he does better than me!! Isn't it sad? LOL!!

Also like Zac...he loves Nintendo and dogs except Ike's favorite dogs are German Shepards, Black Labs, Boxers and Stefanie's dog, Chippy!! :)

He also likes to draw and paint, play with his toy cars and he's learning to read. He has me read to him all the time and he can't wait till he can read books by himself. He loves when we read him his Bible Stories book every night before bed!!

He also likes to play his guitar, (I'm serious!) and he likes to bang on Zac's drum set. He has a definite love for music and his favorite bands are Smash Mouth, Steppen Wolf, Hanson, The Backstreet Boys, BoyZone, Tal Bachman and Blessid Union of Souls. (Good taste, huh? LOL!!) He loves going out in service and he loves going to the meetings!! His best friends are Nills, Charlie, Ryan, Katie, Erin and Mike. :) He's a really cool little kid and I know we're going to be close as he gets older!!


Little doggy


Our dog, Oreo!Here's my dog, Oreo!! He is 8 years old and the biggest moron you will ever meet in your life!! LOL!!! He IS smart but it aggravates me 'cause he's alwayz causing trouble!! But he's really sweet and he loves people and he's SO stinkin' cute!!!! Hehe..=o) His favorite snack is chocolate and sweets...weird for a dog, huh?? LOL!!! Gotta love him!!!


Our bird, Jinx!Don't mind his name...my parents were in the world when they got him...LOL!! Jinx is a Blue-Front Amazon Parrot and he's pretty big!! He's 18 years old and he'll live to be about 70...pretty cool, huh? He loves Cheez-It crackers and also ice-cream. He talks up a storm and can be really loud sometimes but he's a cool bird and fun to have around!!!

Here is another one of Jinx!

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